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SMD Antenna

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Have you ever been frustrated that you can't finish a race because your receiver antenna got chopped?
Have you ever wished you could build a quad without worrying about how to mount your antenna?
If so, the SMD Antenna is for you!

smd antenna

SMD Antenna

This perky little fellow is worse at receiving signals than his snaky brothers, but don't let that deter you! Because of the amazing range of ExpressLRS, he still gets all the range a racer could ever need. The SMD Antenna is available now on Happymodel PP/EP hardware and other 2.4GHz receivers. Take a look at the videos below to see what Mr. SMD can do for you.

Range Tests



The antenna is sort of fragile and can break off or be melted by a stray soldering iron. If this happens, you can save your receiver by soldering a U.FL/IPEX1 connector onto the pads as shown here. Just make sure the center pin has continuity with the filter at the other end of the trace, and no continuity with the ground.

smd maintenance

Conversely, the SMD antenna can be soldered to regular U.FL footprints if you're brave.

smd ufl